The Trüb family – organic by conviction
The Trüb family has avoided the use of fertilizers and pesticides since as far back as Simon Trüb’s great-grandfather. What was considered a pioneering spirit back then, Simon continues today out of conviction: he runs his farm according to organic standards.
Our farmers keep moving: in the video series "Our farmer ambassadors", we present the people who supply the valuable raw ingredient, from which we make high-quality, delicious dairy products: sustainably produced milk.
Today: the Trüb family from Maur, Zurich
"Organic" food was still an unfamiliar concept to many people when Simon Trüb’s great-grandfather ran the family business. Even then, however, it was clear to him that fertilizers and pesticides were unnecessary. Today, his great-grandson Simon runs the organic farm along with his wife, parents and younger brother.
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High demand for organic products
There are several guidelines that must be followed when producing organic products: no pesticides, very little fertilizer and regulated addition of concentrates and maize to animal feed. Simon Trüb believes that organic milk has only advantages. It is more sustainable than regular milk, it is environmentally friendly, and Simon also benefits from the high demand for organic products and higher prices for his milk. This money can then be invested in animal welfare; for example, Simon has built a cattle pen with an automatic milking system, a machine that allows cows to decide their own milking schedule.
> Click here for the Trüb family’s portrait page
“We are proud Emmi ambassadors because we feel that we are treated fairly and Emmi makes great products from our milk.“

Emmi farmer ambassadors
The long-standing partnership with our regional dairy farmers has always been of particular importance to us: it is characterized by trust, proximity to the source and an awareness of quality. Through this close collaboration, we contribute to value creation in rural regions and stay close to the key ingredient in our products: high-quality and increasingly sustainably produced milk. Together, we create added value and make sustainable dairy farming the norm. To further strengthen the partnership and focus on the families behind all these fine dairy products, Emmi launched the Emmi farmer ambassadors project in 2018. At emmi.com/farmer-ambassadors, photos and videos offer a vivid glimpse into the day-to-day life of around 300 Emmi farm ambassadors.