To curtail the milk surplus and prop up the milk price, the individual farm milk quota system is introduced in 1977. The total volume of milk produced in Switzerland is limited to 3.2 million tonnes annually.
Pizza cheese
The Neuhüsern cheese dairy rolls out production of mozzarella, known colloquially as pizza cheese. Ten years later demand has become so great that mozzarella production is also introduced at Dagmersellen.

ELVIS iced tea
The ELVIS brand is launched on the Swiss market. It has stood the test of time, first with blood orange juice, today with iced tea.

Positioning in Asia
They are dubbed the Four Asian Tigers due to their rapid economic development: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. The MVL starts to position the Emmi brand on these markets. It starts out in Hong Kong, where Emmi works together with the company Wing Kee.

Natural gas as an energy source
The Lucerne Butter Centre switches over to natural gas as an energy source, meaning less soot and sulphur released into the atmosphere.
Investments in environmental protection
The MVL invests in environmental protection. A cutting-edge heat recovery system is installed in the milk drying facility in Dagmersellen.

Griesstöpfli, launched in 1983, proves that semolina is not just for babies. It has been a permanent fixture in the refrigerated sections of retailers for over 35 years.

nova Reformprodukte AG
nova Reformprodukte AG, in which the MVL holds a stake, commences operations. It offers a special range of dairy products for heath food stores. The Heirler brand offers products that differ from conventional milk products by virtue of their L(+) lactic acids, which predominantly rotate in a clockwise direction. The nova range is complemented by tofu and organic products.

Export to Italy
Switzerland has been exporting Emmentaler to Italy since the Middle Ages. Italy also has to import other dairy products such as yogurt, especially from Germany. Emmi supplies the Italian market with a wide variety of yogurt specialities through its distribution partner Ala.

Yogurts in recyclable glass
Emmi yogurts are offered in reusable jars for environmental reasons.
Distribution warehouse in Emmen
In Emmen, ground is broken on the construction of a distribution warehouse with capacity for 2,000 pallets. Assembly staff now have access to 600 articles, which are conveyed to and from the various levels using automatic lifts. Sixteen vehicles can dock at the ramp at the same time.

Mousse au Chocolat and Knusper Müesli
Emmi launches a further two products on the market in the form of Mousse au Chocolat and Knusper-Müesli. Consumers can still find them in supermarket chiller cabinets today.

Employee suggestion scheme
Milchhof Emmen rolls out an employee suggestion scheme, laying the foundation for the process of continual improvement.
Caused fire in Emmen
On 23 April, children set ablaze the container storage facility in Emmen. Luckily, nobody is hurt. However, the damage is substantial.