Gerber Fondue is often good after
We throw away too much food that's actually still good to eat. Gerber Fondue has been popular for decades because it tastes great and has a long shelf life. In most cases well beyond the best-before date.
Food waste is a new buzz word. The idea of preserving food so it keeps longer, however, is anything but new. As early as 1913, Walter Gerber invented a process that made Emmentaler "fit for the tropics” (i.e. it could be kept unrefrigerated). This meant it could be transported on horse-drawn carriages, by train and by ship for weeks without spoiling.

Decide yourself
Speaking of spoilage: Walter Gerber would probably be shocked to see how much we throw away today. And he would be pleased that Emmi is doing something about it. By adding the label "often good after", we follow the initiative of Too Good To Go and we would like to encourage consumers not simply to dispose of our Gerber Fondue after the best-before date has expired, but rather to judge for themselves whether it's still good.
If the packaging is not bloated and it smells pleasantly of cheese and white wine when opened, then there's no need to worry. In this way, we can prevent food waste together.

First ready-to-use fondue in the world
Cheese producers were already interested in the subject of shelf life over 100 years ago. Walter Gerber developed his idea further and launched the world’s first ready-made fondue in 1960. This meant that not only could everybody cook an impeccable cheese fondue at home, but they could also do so whenever they wanted. Because Gerber Fondue can be stored for months without refrigeration, so it can be bought in advance and kept in the pantry until needed. And often keeps longer than the best-before date.
No added sodium phosphate
By the way: Many ready-made fondues owe their long shelf life – up to over a year – not only to the special manufacturing process, but also to the addition of sodium phosphate. We are proud to have succeeded in developing a process for our Gerber fondue that uses no such additives.
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