The boom years
After 1945, Switzerland experiences a boom like it has never seen before and it holds strong until the 1970s. Swiss exports increase almost ten-fold during this period. Rising wealth also changes consumer habits, with growing demand for ready-to-eat, pasteurised, sterilised, frozen and pre-packaged foods. Food companies are forced to invest in processing and packaging equipment and thus to produce in larger units.
UHT-milk in tetrahedrons
The Verbandsmolkerei Bern invests in a state-of-the-art filling machine from the Swedish firm Tetra Pak and starts offering pasteurised milk in beverage cartons. In 1962, the first industrial uperisation system and an aseptic Tetra Pak filling machine commence operations. UHT milk in tetrahedrons – a triangular milk carton – is a hit with consumers.

Industrial processing plant
Faced with a constant stream of milk deliveries, the ZMV is forced to create additional processing capacities and embarks on construction of an industrial processing plant. The land and construction costs total around 1.5 million Swiss francs.
Milk powder is produced in Dagmersellen starting from 1 May 1960. Up to 100 kilograms of milk powder can be produced per hour.

Gerber ready-made fondue
With its ready-made fondue, Gerber launches a product on the market that precisely meets the emerging needs of consumers for ease and convenience. It remains Switzerland’s most famous cheese fondue to this day.

Modern plastic pots
Emmi yogurt is sold in modern plastic pots for the first time. 80,000 yogurts are produced per day during peak times.

With milk volumes on the rapid rise, the site in Dagmersellen is expanded by a two-storey manufacturing building with additional milk powder facilities. Capacities are ramped up significantly to 500 kilograms per hour. In 1966, the powder tower that was installed in 1960 nevertheless has to be replaced and the roof of the production building raised. A short time later, the new tower is destroyed by a fire.

Export to Germany
The MVL exports yogurt to Germany for the first time.
100 million yogurts
The new Milchhof production site commences operations in Emmen. Alongside yogurt production, it is also home to the newly created development department. On 26 June 1968, the one hundred millionth yogurt leaves the production line.

The continually rising milk volume – which has increased ten-fold since 1960 – results in a massive surplus known as the "butter mountain".
Cheese market regulation
The cheese market regulation comes into force. It is intended to regulate and support the sale of Swiss cheese at home and abroad.