
Federally vocationally certified milk practician

Witness milk transform into high-quality dairy products! Be part of the action when Emmi's high-quality products are made and contribute to the outcome: this is the task of a federally vocationally certified milk practician.

Federally vocationally certified milk practicians produce cheese, milk, cream, quark, butter, yogurt and other dairy products in milk processing plants. In doing so, you operate equipment and plants and assist in the production of flawless products, which will soon be available for consumers in chiller cabinets.

Of course, all products are sampled and, most importantly, checked for proper quality. You need to have completed lower secondary level schooling to do this job. You also have a technical understanding of handing our computer-operated production equipment, a good sense of taste and smell, good hygiene awareness and strong team spirit. Moreover, we expect a willingness to work irregular hours.

The training takes two years and is particularly suitable for practically inclined individuals.
We train federally certified milk practicians at the following locations:

“I enjoy helping young people build character traits that will enable them to have a successful future in their career. That is the most important contribution we can make for our industry as vocational trainers.“