General Meeting of Emmi AG approves all proposals
The shareholders of Emmi AG have approved all the proposals put forward by the Board of Directors at the company’s 29th Annual General Meeting. Due to the solid business results in 2021, the dividend will be increased to CHF 14.00 per registered share (previous year: CHF 13.00). The General Meeting also newly elected Hubert Muff and Werner Weiss to the Board of Directors. They will be replacing Thomas Oehen-Bühlmann and Franz Steiger, who will not be standing for re-election.
In order to safeguard the health of everyone involved, Emmi’s Board of Directors already decided in January of this year to hold the Annual General Meeting for 2022 without the shareholders attending in person. Voting rights were exercised exclusively through the independent proxy. 4,467 shareholders representing 4,307,518 shares or 80.52% of the share capital exercised their voting rights.
“On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I would like to thank our shareholders for their ongoing high level of trust they place in Emmi, and particularly in these continued challenging times,” said Konrad Graber, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emmi AG.
Closure of the last financial year
All proposals put forward by the Board of Directors were approved by the General Meeting of Emmi AG. The Management Report, the Consolidated Financial Statements and the 2021 Financial Statements were approved, and discharge was granted to the members of the Board of Directors for their services during financial year 2021 (agenda items 1 and 2).
Dividend distribution
The shareholders approved the distribution of a dividend of CHF 14.00 per registered share (previous year: CHF 13.00) (agenda item 3). The dividend will be distributed on 13 April 2022.
Approval of the total amount of remuneration
The total amount of remuneration was also approved (agenda item 4). For detailed information, please see the Compensation Report 2021 and the Invitation to the General Meeting 2022.
The shareholders approved the proposals of the Board of Directors for all items concerning election to the Board of Directors (agenda item 5). All seven members standing for re-election were individually re-elected.
Thomas Oehen-Bühlmann (Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors) and Franz Steiger, who were not standing for re-election, were replaced with the election of Hubert Muff from Neuenkirch and Werner Weiss from Meierskappel. Konrad Graber was also confirmed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Personnel and Compensation Committee. In addition, Monique Bourquin was re-elected and Thomas Grüter newly elected to the Personnel and Compensation Committee.
The statutory auditor for financial year 2022 (as previously: KPMG AG, Lucerne) and the independent proxy (as previously: Pascal Engelberger, attorney-at-law, Lucerne) were appointed under agenda items 6 and 7 respectively – also in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors.
Emmi will publish its 2022 half-year results on 18 August 2022.
Investor Relations | ir@emmi.com
Simone Burgener, Media spokesperson | media@emmi.com

About Emmi
Emmi is the leading manufacturer of high-quality dairy products in Switzerland. The roots of the company date back to 1907, when it was founded by dairy farmer cooperatives in the Lucerne region. With its focussed strategy, innovative products and internationally established brand concepts such as Emmi Caffè Latte and Kaltbach cheese, the company has developed into an internationally active, listed group (EMMN) with a strong local presence in 15 countries.
In line with its tradition of creating the best dairy moments for generations to come, the careful use of resources and the creation of added value, particularly in rural areas, is part of its business model. Emmi distributes its quality products in around 60 markets and produces high-quality food in 9 countries at over 30 own production sites. With more than 9,000 employees, around 70% of whom work outside Switzerland, the Emmi Group generated sales of CHF 3.9 billion in 2021.