Become one of our partners
Are you a recruitment agent and you would like to refer candidates to us for one of our job adverts? We'd love to hear from you. Emmi values targeted collaboration with third-party providers. We therefore offer you special agency access to our applicant management software.
Requirements and framework conditions
We expect our partners to accept the GTC governing the referral of personnel to the Emmi Group and its Group companies in Switzerland (hereinafter "Emmi") and to comply with the legal requirements for referring personnel, and that they are in possession of the required licences for referring staff.
You can view Emmi's GTC here
> General Terms and Conditions governing the referral of personnel on a performance basis (PDF)
Upon submission of candidate files, the General Terms and Conditions of Emmi shall be deemed to have been accepted in full and shall apply to the ensuing appointment.
Change contact details
Do you already have a login but would like to make changes to your contact details? Then please contact jobs@emmi.com