Emmi sells Emmi Frisch-Service AG to Transgourmet Group
Emmi sells its trading and supply company Emmi Frisch-Service AG to the Transgourmet Group.
Emmi Frisch-Service AG is a national trading company that was formed from the merger of Burra and Interfrais. It supplies around 4,000 businesses (food service providers, hospitals and nursing homes, convenience stores, retailers and wholesalers). Historically, the purpose of the business was to supply Emmi products to the many independent companies that could not be reached by other means.
New customer needs in particular led to a steady increase in competition and cost pressure in this segment. In the meantime, Emmi Frisch-Service AG has fallen below the critical size at which the company can be run independently and efficiently.
Over the past few months, Emmi has carefully analysed various options to ensure the continued existence of the subsidiary in the long term. Following extensive consideration of different alternatives Emmi has decided to sell this non-strategic business, which generates sales of around CHF 110 million, to the Transgourmet Group. Emmi Logistics will continue to offer its supply expertise to larger customers in the future.
In the Transgourmet Group, Emmi is pleased to have selected a buyer with the know-how to integrate the business of Emmi Frisch-Service AG effectively and continue it successfully in the long term. All of the business’s 160 employees will also be transferred.
The transaction is subject to approval by the competition authority. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

About Emmi
Emmi is a major Swiss milk processor. The company dates back to 1907, when it was founded by 62 dairy farming cooperatives around Lucerne. Over the past 20 years, Emmi has grown into an international, listed group. It has for many years pursued a successful strategy based on three pillars: strengthening its Swiss domestic market, growth abroad and cost management. Throughout its corporate history, Emmi’s keen awareness of its responsibility to society, animal welfare and the environment has been fundamental to its mission.
In Switzerland, Emmi manufactures a comprehensive range of dairy products for its own brands and private label products for customers, including leading exports such as Emmi Caffè Latte and Kaltbach. In other countries, its products – mainly speciality products – are manufactured locally. Alongside cow’s milk, it also processes goat’s and sheep’s milk.
In Switzerland, the Emmi Group has 25 production sites. Abroad, Emmi and its subsidiaries have a presence in 14 countries, seven of which have production facilities. Emmi exports products from Switzerland to around 60 countries. Its business activities focus on the Swiss domestic market as well as western Europe and the American continent. Half of its CHF 3.4 billion in sales – over 10 % of which stems from organic products – is generated in Switzerland, the other half abroad. It has over 6,000 employees who are also spread equally between Switzerland and other countries.

About Transgourmet
Prodega/Growa/Transgourmet is the leading company in the Swiss cash and carry and wholesale supplies sector. The total range comprises over 25,000 articles, which can be purchased at one of the 30 Prodega/Growa markets or supplied by Transgourmet. Transgourmet Schweiz AG is part of the Transgourmet Group.
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Contacts at Emmi
Esther Gerster, Head of Corporate Communications & IR | T +41 58 227 50 69 | esther.gerster@emmi.com
Sibylle Umiker, Spokesperson | T +41 58 227 50 66 | media@emmi.com