
ESG expert corner

Our sustainability model is closely linked to our corporate purpose and the three pillars – people, communities and planet. It is further underpinned by sound governance policies and procedures.

We engage in regular dialogue with our stakeholders and prioritise issues that we all consider to be particularly important. This allows us to adjust and further develop our sustainability model where necessary. Every two years, we publish a report on our sustainability activities and progress, which can be viewed at report.emmi.com.

This section of our website is intended to provide key stakeholders with additional information on the following topics: GRI sustainability report, materiality matrix, stakeholder approach and corporate governance.

GRI Sustainability Report 2021/2022

Our reporting – in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines – has provided transparent information on our sustainability commitment since 2011.

PDF Non-financial performance figures

Overview of Emmi's non-financial performance figures 2023.

PDF Materiality Matrix

The choice of strategically relevant topics is based on materiality and a double materiality analysis. We focus our activities on topics that either have a significant impact on people, society and the environment or are relevant to our business and our long-term success.

PDF Stakeholder approach

We take a differentiated approach to account for the differing needs and requirements of our stakeholders, from the active involvement of social groups to regular dialogue and institutionalised exchange.

PDF netZERO 2050 Roadmap

We pursue science-based reduction targets (SBTi) along the entire value chain, aligned with our netZERO 2050 vision. A CO2 reduction path with clear interim targets serves as a binding guideline.

Corporate Governance

Committed to the principle of good and transparent governance, and based on the requirements of the SiX Swiss Exchange and national and international best practices, we have a clear framework of values, principles, rules and regulations.

PDF Sustainability Governance
PDF Sustainability TCFD Governance
Code of Conduct

The Emmi Code of Conduct sets out the values and principles according to which we assume our responsibility towards our stakeholders.

PDF Supplier Code of Conduct

The Emmi Supplier Code of Conduct is evidence of our commitment to managing the company with integrity, and reinforces our efforts to achieve sustainable procurement together with our partners and suppliers. In this way, we can minimise risks together and build trust among our stakeholders.

PDF UK Modern Slavery Act

We also take our responsibility towards fundamental human rights seriously.

PDF Scope of report and methodology for Emmi environmental figures 2023
More documents in the download center

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