Emmi is founded
The members of the Central Switzerland Milk Association (MVL) decide to separate association activities from commercial activities in favour of a modern division-based structure. The company Emmi AG is founded on 23 June 1993 within the framework of an annual general meeting.
Emmi AG
The newly founded group of companies consists of the parent company Emmi AG and the subsidiaries Butterzentrale Luzern AG, Emmi Frischprodukte AG, Emmi Dagmersellen AG, Emmi Käse AG – including Käserei Sarnen AG and Käsehandel Muther AG – Frischpool AG and Vergal AG. MVL retains overarching responsibility for managing the group of companies.
In 1993, the strategy is defined of becoming national market leader and strengthening activities abroad by means of increasing exports and licensing.